Parent Information

Hello Parents!

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions we get from parents regarding child participants and the Kenvue Consumer Research Program:

What kinds of studies are available for children under the age of 18?

You must be 18 years or older to enroll in the program; however, you may receive invitations to participate in surveys, focus groups or home use tests with your child under 18. Parental consent is required for all studies involving children under 18.

What do I do to sign up my child to participate in a study?

Parents of children who meet the age criteria for a particular study will receive an invitation via email. The invitation will clearly state that it is a study for children of a certain age. Click on the link to complete the screening questionnaire.

For children under the age of 18, it is important that you complete this with your child and answer the questions carefully, as they will pertain to your child. Please see Program Details for more information.

How will my child be contacted to participate?

All communication for studies for those under age 18 will be conducted exclusively through the parents via the parent’s email address. We do not accept any personal email addresses for anyone under the age of 18.

Is my child’s information shared with anyone?

Your child’s information will be shared as in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Are there any forms I need to fill out to give parental permission?

Parents must give parental consent for any minors via an online Informed Consent Document. For local on-site studies this document will be reviewed and signed in person.

What do I do if I have questions about a study in which my child is participating?

All contact information regarding study-related questions will be included in the study materials you receive, either by email or in the study kit sent to your home.

My child has friends who may be interested in participating in studies. How do I get them involved?

Although you are not able to forward a specific study invitation to a friend, we welcome you to encourage friends to join the Kenvue Consumer Research Program using the Refer a Friend tab after logging in.

However you will only be able to invite the parents of the children to become a member of our program. You must be 18 years old or older to join.

Can more than one child in a household participate in studies?

Yes. You will be able to provide information about each child in your Membership Survey.